Calling all those who share the passion
for handicrafts & handlooms.

As a passionate endeavour focused at helping talented rural craftspeople enhance their livelihoods opportunities, The Hasthakala Foundation invites you to join the force and make an impactful difference. Here is how you can get involved.

The Hasthakala Foundation offers The Change-Makers Internship & volunteering opportunities. To become a part of The Hasthakala Foundation team, kindly fill the Internship/Volunteer Application Forms and send in your resumes to:


As an Intern, you will gain new skills and improve on those you already have. You will get the opportunity to attend lectures, seminars, meet with civil society stakeholders & opinion leaders and get to learn about new possibilities and avenues in the field of handicrafts & handlooms.

Duration: 1 month - 3 months

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