The hands behind the handicrafts

Gentle touch on the art surface, but coarse with years of roughing it out. These hands have life-giving powers, yet their livelihood is in danger. The source of all art, these hands have raised civilizations. But still, thanklessly toil day-in and day-out. These hands create magic but rarely are there an audience to applaud. These hands create priceless art, yet not aptly valued for their worth. When the human spirit speaks through the artisan’s hands, the world listens with their ears wide open. Like their art pieces bring you happiness, your hands could be a source of joy for them. Because we believe 'Happiness is Handcrafted'.

Let’s celebrate the lines on their hands, like how we celebrate the patterns they design. Let’s celebrate their dexterous fingers, like how we embrace the aesthetic details they curate.



The Hasthakala Foundation focuses on assisting weavers in developing trendy and eco-friendly textiles that reflect our vibrant culture and heritage as the world moves toward sustainability as a way forward towards sustenance. ...

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In India's economy, handicraft making represents a significant proportion of the unorganized sector. And this means that craftspeople confront problems such as a lack of capital, limited technological penetration, a lack of market knowledge, ...

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Giving the hands that create,
a helping hand

The Hasthakala Foundation is a heartfelt initiative aimed at improving the livelihoods of skilled rural artisans. With the aim of encouraging local handicrafts, handlooms and traditional couture around the world, the foundation assists struggling rural artisans in upskilling, imbibing contemporary designs and making their products marketable to a global audience.

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